Bidirectional DC Power Supply | Cabinet Type | Battery Simulator

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Bidirectional DC Power Supply | Cabinet Type | Battery Simulator

High Power Battery Simulator

Product Details

The ABS battery simulator power supply from ActionPower features high accuracy, high dynamics, high real-time performance and comprehensive battery characteristic simulation. Through software functions, the battery emulator provides a variety of battery simulation functions to comprehensively simulate the output characteristics of the battery, and it has thoroughly programming functions to simulate different waveform outputs through Step, List and Wave programming modes to meet the testing requirements of multiple industries, such as motor controller system in electric vehicle and power conditioning system(PCS).


Comprehensive battery simulation

The battery cell simulator ABS can simulate the output characteristics and charge/discharge characteristics of various battery packs such as lithium manganate, lithium cobaltate, lithium iron phosphate, nickel-hydrogen, ternary lithium, lithium titanate and lead-acid batteries, and can set the parameters such as serial/parallel quantity, temperature, SOC, internal resistance and single battery capacity to simulate the output characteristics of the whole battery pack. 

The battery simulator test equipment ABS opens first,second and third-order RC battery models, supports user-defined battery parameters and can import CSV battery models. The battery module simulator has high real-time performance and the command update rate is as high as 1kHz.


Single-unit capacity: ±150-±1000kw





Market Advantage:

- Comprehensive product models, extensive coverage, leading market share in segmented fields.

- Leading domestically in large-capacity MW-level grid simulation sources and bi-directional AC/DC simulation sources.


Performance Advantages:

- The high-voltage battery emulators from ActionPower offer high power, high accuracy, high power density, high reliability and dynamic response.


Core Technologies:

- Power electronics control and simulation technology.

- High-speed parallel processing of software and hardware.

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